Vegetables Beans Soybeans filtered by Seed Type: Open Pollinated
A white dinner plate with edamame on it.
Choose from early-maturing, high-yielding, and organic edamame seeds. Soybeans originate in Asia, and their fresh shell and dry forms are highly regarded for their yield, protein, and oil content, as well as a multitude of nutritional uses. Typically used at the green shell stage as "edamame," other uses include green and dry cooking, flour, soy milk, tofu, soy sauce, and miso. Dry soybeans average 40% protein and 18% oil.
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Heavy yielder with longer harvest window.
Heavy yielder with longer harvest window.
85 Days
High-quality organic soybean.
Out of Stock
High-quality organic soybean.
82 Days
Early variety with delicious, buttery flavor and tender-firm texture.
Out of Stock
Early variety with delicious, buttery flavor and tender-firm texture.
78 Days
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